Creativity cards

Creativity is a muscle that needs to be exercised constantly. These cards* are designed for anyone who wants to discover and release their inner creator.

Each card contains a unique exercise designed to stimulate your imagination, awaken your imagination and stimulate creativity. The exercises are easily adaptable for both individual work and engaging group activities. Use them as a gentle nudge for creative sessions, work meetings, fun with friends or as a fun way to start the day.

Whether you're a writer, an artist, a student, a musician, a marketer, an entrepreneur, or just looking for ways to enrich your daily life with new ideas, these cards are for you. They will become your personal creative coach to help you stay and improve your creative form.

There is no better time than now. See where your imagination can take you!

*Cards adapted for people with dyslexia.

Welcome to a thrilling journey of creative exploration! Here’s how you can maximize your creativity workout:

  • Daily dose of innovation: Challenge yourself with one or more exercises daily and commit to completing them faithfully.

  • Hands-on magic: Engage in the tasks physically to activate key areas of your brain.

  • Team up for fun: Tackle the tasks with friends, share your outcomes, enjoy some healthy competition, and laugh along the way.

  • Reinvent the wheel: Revisit the same task multiple times, striving for unique results each time to intensify your creative challenge.

  • Creative meetings: Start or break up your work meetings with one or more of these exercises to refresh and reboot everyone’s thinking.

  • Train to gain: Incorporate these exercises into your training sessions to enhance learning and innovation.

  • Chart your own course: Feel free to invent new ways to engage with these exercises and tailor them to your needs.

Embrace these guidelines, bend them, or even break them to discover the full potential of your creative prowess!

How to use cards?

Rules that can be broken

Fun exercises to train your creativity muscle

Thanks for the opportunity to exercise my creative muscle :) Fun assignments - I looked at a few and did the petrol station and the letter A on the fly. I wrote down fifteen things, including a "teary saleswoman" :) Fun.


I enjoyed it very much, it allowed me to spice up my day with different thoughts, to take a little break from the daily work, to look at situations from a different angle :)

It was a very fun experience, but I've adjusted it to suit my team and capabilities. During the Friday meeting (12 colleagues), we picked a card, turned it over, took a minute, and everybody, i.e. everybody who had an idea in their head, said the answers. It was great fun.

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+370 67478508

*Fonts for people with dyslexia from

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